Back Pain

Is your pain affecting your daily activities including home, sport, work and general movements?

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The Symptoms

Acute or sub acute pain: this is back pain that has been present for up to 6 weeks. It can be sharp, with spasm, and constant.

Chronic pain: pain that has been present for more than 3 months. It is often dull, diffuse and intermittent.

These types of pain are common, and not normally due to a serious disease or health condition.

The Cause

The most common triggers for back pain are poor work posture, sports injury, pregnancy, being over weight, lack of movement, lifting injuries or having a trip or fall.

Back pain is often caused by mal-alignment of the spinal joints and pelvis, leading to muscle, tendon and ligament tension, and sprain.

The Solution

If you have back pain that persists for more than a few days, weeks or months, and is not improving, then book in to see a practitioner for a consultation.

Harcombe Osteopathy, Level 8, SAP Tower,
151 Queen Street, Auckland 1010

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24/7 - 09 282 4475