
So many people suffer with headaches. From the occasional and mild to the truly awful, headaches can be debilitating. After many years of practice I have developed an extremely successful approach to the treatment of chronic headache.

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The Symptoms

Headaches are common but not normal. Pain medication only gives temporary relief and masks the underlying cause.

Patients often complain of pain when they turn their head, pain at the base of the skull, over the forehead or behind the eyes. You may even get associated symptoms such as dizziness, visual changes or nausea.

The Cause

Commonly head pain is caused by mal- alignment of the spine that leads to nerve irritation, muscle tension and reduced circulation to the head.

The Solution

A thorough examination by the practitioner will detect the compensatory patterns in your spine. Osteopathic care has a high success rate in the treatment of headaches. Please call if you would like to sit down and discuss the problem or receive treatment.

Harcombe Osteopathy, Level 8, SAP Tower,
151 Queen Street, Auckland 1010

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24/7 - 09 282 4475